How do I move in to storage?

When you're moving items into storage, it can be difficult to know how to transport and organise your belongings. However, as experts in the field of self-storage, we know the best ways to move into storage units. Read on to find out more about how to move into self-storage and...


You've got an exciting new job overseas somewhere other than sunny Aus - brilliant! You're ready for a change and the opportunity that this brings. But what about all of the stuff you can't bring with you? That's where personal storage comes in! Self-storage is a great option for storing...


Whether you're about to head off to university, intending to travel overseas, or maybe even just considering minimalising your life, you may be feeling bogged down and overwhelmed by all your possessions. Here are our five top tips on decluttering your life before moving everything into storage. Feel free to...