A Storage solution to meet life’s changes

With changes in family size comes the need for new solutions in storage. Whatever your planned family size, you can prepare for the present and the future by keeping in mind storage services that can help you manage your changing family size successfully. Choosing the right storage solution for your family can set your mind at ease, whether it’s storing valuables away from the prying eyes and fingers of toddlers, or keeping family furniture for grandchildren or for memories.

Below is our top list of factors to think about when the cycles of life change your needs:

1. Adding a new family member

Congratulations! With the sleepless nights and early baby milestones of sitting, crawling and walking, come a whole new range of furniture, toys and accessories – and as your baby becomes bigger and more mobile, you may find that some of your more expensive electronics or art pieces need to be protected from your beautiful bundle of joy. Avoid the use of your consoles as pretend toasters (now with real toast!) by storing them away for this season of life.

2. Blending families

Again, congratulations! Your beautiful family of two (or three, or four…) has suddenly jumped in size. As any blended family can attest, the combining of two households carries its own challenges, one of which is attempting to find a new home for each person’s things. This leaves many families with more couches, televisions, desks or kitchen items than they need. Whilst you might not want to keep all of these duplicates, an off-site storage solution can be an effective way of holding onto the nicer furniture until the youngest children are past the notorious stages of furniture-related artistic activities.

3. Moving Out

You’ve made it past the teenage years, and your kids are moving out. You may decide now is the time to downsize your home – with fewer bedrooms, there’s less cleaning, less upkeep, but also less space. Now’s a great time to do a spring clean and aim for a clean, streamlined, minimalist lifestyle. You may, however, want to keep bigger items for your children to help them out as they go through their own life stages. Moving away to university may involve living in a fully furnished apartment on campus for the first year, but many of these students decide to move out into rentals after their first year and need furniture to set up their own space. Why not save money in the long term and find a storage solution for their beds, desks etc for that time?

4. Grandchildren

Grandchildren are sometimes called a parent’s reward for having children – all of the fun, with none of the sleepless nights. While safety standards in Australia change over time, many of the big-ticket items are able to be stored and passed on to the next generation. Not only does this save money, but it also allows for adorable photos and a connection to your children’s own pasts. Alternatively, holding onto these items allows you to be set up for sleepovers and family visits whenever needed – an experience that grandchildren treasure!

5. Retirement

Nothing compares to the stage in life where you can sit back, put your feet up, and relax – all day if you want to. You don’t have to be anywhere, see anyone, do anything – bliss! But retirement can also be the stage in life where you decide to pack up your goods, find a storage solution and head off into the wild blue yonder – travel! The grey nomads’ time is here and the caravan is at the ready. Make the most of this time of life, no matter what you do, it’s your last chance to really enjoy having no responsibility or worries. Enjoy.

For information about how we can help smooth whatever transition you’re going through, connect with us. We’ll be happy to discuss your needs and possible storage solution.


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