5 reasons why self-storage is perfect for students

Living away from home for the first time is a great feeling, but many students soon realise that their new student accommodation is a lot smaller than what they are used to, which can create problems finding where to put things!

Fortunately, there is a solution. Self-storage can make your student life easier by providing the space you need for all your things and a place where you can keep everything secure between semesters.

Here are 5 reasons why student self-storage may be the perfect option to support your studies:

University Life1. Extra storage space when you need it
There is no denying it, students generate a lot of stuff while at university. Everything from textbooks to surfboards and gym wear. If you are not careful it will soon start taking over your tiny dorm room. A self-storage unit provides an easy and secure storage place to access when you need it.

2. Allows you to access your stuff during the summer break
Many students like to stay a few weeks after the term finishes to spend some time with their new friends. But this is very difficult if you can’t access all your stuff because the dorms have been locked up for the summer. A storage container allows you to access all the things you need as and when you need them.

3. Makes it easy to move accommodation
Freshers often have to vacate their dorm accommodation after their first year of study. This means moving all your stuff to a new location when you find new digs. But by keeping most of your items in a self-storage unit you will only have to take the essentials with you when you move out.

4. Keeps your items safe and secure
Security is a big issue, especially for students who have never spent much time away from home before. While most dorms have security access control, security once inside the building is often lacking. By keeping all your high-value items in a secure self-storage unit, you can relax knowing everything is safe and secure 24 hours a day.

5. Great for storing bikes and surfboards
Student life is not all work, you need to make time for play as well. So if your college is near the beach, why not take your surfboard and bike along to make the most of your downtime? The problem is, these bulky items will take up too much room in your tiny dorm room which is why a secure self-storage unit could provide the ideal solution.

Low-cost student self-storage
Big Box Self Storage provides a range of clean and secure safe storage solutions that are perfect for students! We offer a range of storage solutions ranging in size from mini-safe style boxes to large garage-sized units capable of accommodating a surfboard or mountain bike.

Located in Labrador on the Gold Coast, we are perfectly placed for students studying at U3A North Gold Coast, Shafston International College, and Griffin University campus. So get in touch today by calling 1800 244 269 or complete the contact form here to book your student self storage for the start of the student year.

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